Plot hole: In the episode "Closure," Harrison told Tru that he had lost interest in Lindsay, and was going to break things off with her. In this episode, they're still all coupley. Moreso, in fact, than earlier. We were never shown any developments in Harrison and Lindsay's relationship between the two episodes.
Plot hole: Why hasn't Tru met Luc? He came to the morgue very late the first time the night happened in the previous episode, after Marco scared Tru. Even though Tru seemed to stay at the bachelor party very late the second time the day played through, she had gotten into work by the time Marco tried to scare her again, so she should have still been there when Luc came in.
Plot hole: How did Candace get voted Reunion Queen the first time around? She acts like a total bitch to everybody we see her in scenes with, all we ever hear about is how many people hate her and probably wouldn't mind seeing her dead, and her comments when she accepts the award ("I can sort of remember some of you.") make it clear that she hasn't kept up with anyone.
Answer: It is called 'Somebody help me' sung by Full Blown Rose.
Hamster ★