The Golden Girls

Blanche Delivers - S6-E1

Factual error: At the end of the episode Rebecca has her baby. When the doctor cuts the cord he hands her to Rebecca all clean and spotless. Babies have a lot of blood on them when they are born.

There Goes the Bride (1) - S6-E16

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the episode, Rose says that Miles is in Europe with some students. The episode immediately before this one, however, revealed Miles being put back into a witness protection program, and leaving Rose.

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Sophia: You're Blanche's daughter, the model?
Rebecca: That's right.
Sophia: What did she model - car covers?

More quotes from The Golden Girls

Trivia: Although she appeared to be an 80 year old on the show, the late Estelle Getty (born 7/25/23) was younger than her costars Betty White (born 1/17/22) and Bea Arthur (born 5/14/22); and Rue was the youngest of the four (2/21/34). Estelle at first was turned down for the role of Sophia (because she was too young). It was only after she came back dressed in a gray wig, thrift store dress, and heavily made-up, that she got the part.

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Show generally

Question: In different episodes a mug can be seen in the ice machine section on the outside of the fridge, which changes colors and patterns from episode to episode. Is there any significance to it?

Answer: Ice makers were a new invention, advertisement purposes.

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