Question: What does the phrase "The things you see when you haven't got the gun" mean?
Answer: I would also interpret it (metaphorically speaking) as when someone has a gun in hand, there is a specific target or intent they are so fixated on, that they block out everything else around them. Without a gun, one would see their environment more comprehensively, noticing details they would otherwise overlook. To clarify, someone who has too narrow or fixated a focus or perspective, misses other important things going on around them that might affect their opinions or conclusions.
Question: Why does Captain Peacock always ask a customer if they're being served as soon as they get out of the lift? The customer has just arrived, so Captain Peacock is already aware they haven't been served yet.
Answer: It's just a turn of speech, a very prim and proper way of asking "Do you need any help?" Being such a stuffed shirt, and in a store as old-fashioned as Grace Brothers, Captain Peacock would naturally affect an air of superiority and high-class language when speaking to customers.
Question: What was the chronological order in which there were new male employees working at Gentleman's Department after others had left the show? Was it Mr. Grainger, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Tebbs, Mr. Spooner, in that order? Or was it another way and who where they replaced by?
Answer: The Gentleman's Department went as follows: Mr. Grainger left after series 5 and was replaced by Mr. Tebbs, who stayed until series 6. He was replaced by Mr. Goldberg for series 7. Meanwhile, Mr. Lucas also left in series 7. Mr. Goldberg left after series 7. Temporarily there were only two employees in the department. At the start of series 8 Mr. Spooner started working. The "third" position was filled first by Mr. Grossman then Mr. Klein. Incidentally, Young Mr. Grace stayed for the first 7 series, replaced by old Mr. Grace. Mr. Mash was on for the first 3 series, replaced by Mr. Harmon.
Answer: It usually just means seeing something weird or unusual, perhaps something someone wouldn't believe you saw without proof. The phrase is usually "haven't got your gun", although some people replace "gun" with "camera." Basically think about a hunter spending all week in the woods looking for the biggest [fill in the blank] and the one day he goes out into the woods without his gun and then finally sees it.