
Void - S5-E17

Continuity mistake: When Lana goes to see Lance, who's packing up the serum, you see 5 syringes strapped in, 1 with serum in it. When Lance hits Lex and his case falls open, you can see the 5 syringes still strapped in, but now none have any serum in them. When Lance goes to pick up the case, only one syringe is strapped in, and it's in the wrong spot, next to some blood, and one syringe out of the strap lying in the open case.


Gone - S4-E2

Other mistake: Lois digs up Chloe's grave site to unearth her casket. It is obvious that the casket is not buried six feet deep. You would think, with all that is going on, that LuthorCorp would have at least buried the casket deeper to deter inquisitive eyes and maybe throw in a few scattered bones for good measure.

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Trespass - S6-E14

Martha Kent: Clark? What are you still doing out here?
Clark Kent: Well, I'm still doing my chores.
Martha Kent: Well, you usually finish those in about two minutes. How is it that I drove to Metropolis, attended the Children's Foundation dinner, and made it back before you finished?
Clark Kent: Because I'm doing them the normal way.

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Trivia: Jerry Siegel, the co-creator of the Clark Kent/Superman character worked on a school magazine when he was at Glenville High School, Cleveland. The magazine was called The Torch - the same name of Smallville High's school magazine, edited by Chloe Sullivan and with Clark Kent as an on/off contributor.

Jeff Walker

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Answer: In the comics, Krypto is a dog from Krypton who was used as the passenger in a test launch by Jor-El, Superman's father, before he launched the actual rocket taking his infant son to Earth. Krypto's capsule was involved in a mishap, sending it out of Kryptonian orbit and eventually found its way to Earth where he linked up with the young Clark Kent. Like any native of Krypton, Krypto has superpowers on Earth. In Smallville, the dog is a standard Earth dog who has been experimentally injected with kryptonite, giving him super-strength for a limited period of time, who escapes and links up with Clark (who suggests the name Krypto, ostensibly because of the dog's cryptic origins). It doesn't take too long for the dog's strength to fade, and the Kents decide to keep him, although they ultimately name him Shelby, after a dog that Martha Kent had in childhood.


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