The Sopranos

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Proshai, Livushka - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: Tony's hair length alternates between a short buzz cut and longer in different shots in the scene where Sil, Paulie and Chris visit him after his mother dies.

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Tony Soprano: Oh, poor baby. What do you want, a Whitman's Sampler?

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Trivia: Whenever the mobsters in the Sopranos pay they almost always take a wad of cash out of their pocket and pull off the top 3-4 bills and hand it over. If Tony is paying for a pizza he pulls off 3-4 bills. If he's bribing someone he pulls off 3-4 bills. No matter what the amount is for that particular situation, it's always covered with the top 3-4 bills of the cash wad.


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Season 1 generally

Question: During a restaurant scene Drea deMatteo plays a hostess. She seats the Sopranos, but does not seem to know them. Was she picked to play Adriana after this episode?

Answer: Yup, just like Nicholas Lea was chosen to play Alex Krycek on the X-files after showing up on 1 episode as a different character.

Grumpy Scot

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