Factual error: During the flashback of 2000, Fry's family is watching the Rose Bowl. Fry's mom, a Wisconsin fan, shouts "touchdown!" Then we see the score on the TV. Wisconsin 9. Standford 3. 2nd Quarter. However, Wisconsin never led 9-3 and didn't score a TD until the 3rd quarter. It was Standford that had the 9-3 lead in the 2nd quarter.
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles - S5-E7
Factual error: When Professor Farnsworth visits the Bubbling Geezer to receive youthasizing treatment, the trained professional Heather says "botulism toxin tightens and tones facial muscles." Botulism is the actual poisoning, not the toxin. Botulinum toxin causes muscle paralysis which weakens the muscle, not tightening and toning of the muscles.
Answer: Yes Leela knew from early on that Fry had feelings for her. They were pretending to be a couple in 'A Flight to Remember' from season 1 and Fry tried to get on dates with Leela ever since. She just didn't show signs of the feelings maybe being mutual before some of the later episodes.