
Bottom (1991)

17 corrected entries

(1 vote)

Starring: Adrian Edmondson, Rik Mayall

Genres: Comedy

Terror - S3-E2

Corrected entry: Richie says that the devil drinks virgins blood, and everyone stands around looking shocked. Even Dave hedgehog, who has a daughter and therefore cannot be a virgin.

Correction: He might not be her biological father, he could just be her step-dad.

Dough - S3-E4

Corrected entry: While Dick's talking about the time he played for Queens Park Rangers, he says that Trevor Francis was the manager that signed him, and then adds that in his first match, Les Ferdinand punched him for scoring an own goal. Ferdinand never played for QPR while Trevor Francis was manager, however - it was the next manager, Don Howe, who gave him his debut for the club.


Correction: Dick was probably just making the whole thing up. It seems unlikely that any football manager would sign a player who doesn't even know which end of the pitch they're meant to be playing towards, to say nothing of actually selecting such a player for a match.

Gas - S1-E2

Corrected entry: After Eddie puts the frying pan in the gas man's hand, Richie starts attacking him again. In the next shot Eddie hits Richie over the head with the frying pan that he had just put in the gas man's hand. (00:11:00)


Correction: I have more than one frying pan. So do Richie and Eddie. Unless the submitter can provide more information to prove that it is the same frying pan, this can't be considered a mistake.

Carnival - S3-E6

Corrected entry: Ritchie and Eddie look out of their window at the riots and upon seeing blue lights (reflected on the wall, and on them) they say the Fire Brigade has arrived. In the UK, the Fire Brigade uses yellow and orange lights - the police use blue.

Correction: The fire brigade use blue lights. A Google image search for "Fire Engine" easily proves this.


Correction: All emergency vehicles, Police, Fire and Ambulance, in the UK use blue lights. Orange/Yellow is used by non-emergency vehicles, such as tow-trucks and other larger vehicles as a warning and doctors sometimes use green lights.

Digger - S2-E1

Corrected entry: The dating agency woman never ejects Eddies dating tape from the machine, although a few shots later she puts Richie's video in without any bother.

Correction: There's plenty of time, when the camera is focusing on Richie (while they're leaning on the TV), for her to eject Eddie's tape. You wouldn't see it from the angle, but it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

Gary O'Reilly

Smells - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When the lesbian puts the money down on the table and says "there's your 80 pence", you notice that she only puts 2 coins down. It is impossible to make 80 pence out of 2 coins.

Correction: You could see how desperate she was to get away from Ritchie. She probably could'nt care how much money she put down on the table, just as long she could get away from him.

Correction: They were let on on purpose in order that they would get blown up in the morning - which is why they were left on it right at the top - so there was no chance they could get off.


Bottom's Up - S1-E5

Corrected entry: When the man comes into the shop he buys 3 bottles of champagne and writes the cheque out to Eddie. Later on Eddie says "I'm not bothered, I've got a cheque for £53 here." It isn't possible to divide 53 by 3 and get a whole number.

David Mercier

Correction: Who says it's exactly £53? Could be £52.98 for champagne at £17.66 a bottle.

Andy Benham

Show generally

Corrected entry: The episode 'Culture' focuses for some time on Eddie attempting to teach Richie how to play chess. However, in the earlier episode 'Apocalypse', Richie already knows how to play chess, as he offers to teach Death/Eddie the rules. Eddie conversely claims he doesn't know the rules, but this could just be to help him refuse Richie's offer.

Correction: You just corrected your own mistake. Richie doesn't know how to play chess. He offers to play chess against "Death" because he thinks, if nothing else, it'll prolong the inevitable. Eddie then claims he doesn't know the rules because he can't be bothered playing chess, he just wants the money. Richie tells him he'll teach him how to play because that means he can make up whatever rules he wants to ensure he wins.

Gary O'Reilly

Bottom's Out - S2-E6

Corrected entry: When Richie is talking about how Red native Americans eat hedgehog, there are 4 chocolate hob-nobs on the fire. But when Eddie takes them off the fire to entice the hedgehog out, there are 5 of them.

Correction: No, there are six hobnobs during the entire sequence. Perhaps the confusion arose from the fact that some are hanging with the chocolate side towards the camera, and others with the biscuit side.

Apocalypse - S1-E4

Corrected entry: When Eddie is on the shooting game in the fair, you can see that there is nothing coming out of the guns. There isn't even any smoke.

Correction: Bullets go so fast out of a gun you can't see them anyway. Also, at fairgrounds, they mostly use air rifles which indeed don't produce any smoke.

Correction: So hows that a mistake? the fridge in my house operates on a different fuse, so if i get a powercut during the night/day, the fridge constantly stays on.

Holy - S2-E5

Corrected entry: When Eddie and Richie are by the table discussing the 8 quid Eddie spent on the brandy, there is a shot of the table without a Christmas tree, but during the next few closeups and then wide angle again, a Christmas tree materialises from nowhere.

Mark Cuss

Correction: This is because when the episode aired originally, bits were cut for time. On the second series DVD, the whole episode is present in which eddie is seen to bring the christmas tree into the room and then set it on fire trying to turn on the lights.

Dough - S3-E4

Corrected entry: When Eddie, Richie, Spudgun and Dave Hedgehog try to get the money from the quiz to pay Skullcrusher, the barman asks the four guys a question. Since the question is a little hard, Richie tells Eddie, "I'll go and look it up in the encyclo." When Richie goes back into the gent's and tries to walk into the cubicle, the door is locked. After 5 seconds, Richie says "You b*****d," kicks the door, and goes into the cubicle to fight the man. However, if you look closely at the floor when Richie is "fighting," there is only one shadow moving about on the floor. Richie is kicking/knocking the walls and the door of the cubicle by himself.

Correction: It is actually quite a convincing fight, you don't see any shadow on the floor during the entire thing. And there has to be another person in the cubicle because he pushes out the encylopedia from under the door.


Digger - S2-E1

Corrected entry: When Richie is about to fight Eddie behind the closed curtain, he still has caviar all over his chin. But when the curtain opens and Richie says "hang on this isn't right", the caviar is gone.

Correction: While they were behind the curtain, Ritchie had time to wipe the caviar of his chin or when they were fighting Eddie could have knocked the caviar off his chin.

Accident - S1-E6

Corrected entry: Just before Richie breaks his leg, Eddie puts the drinks on the table in a big box. After they return from hospital, the drinks have been prepared for the party. Since Eddie went to the hospital with Richie, who prepared them?


Correction: Eddie no doubt prepared them while they were waiting for the ambulance to arrive. He wouldn't have been too worried about Richie's wellbeing, after all.


Apocalypse - S1-E4

Corrected entry: When Eddie s eating at the table, he has a full sausage on his fork. But the next time you see him, about 5 seconds later, the sausage is now halved.

Correction: We all know what a messy eater Eddie is, so he's probably stuffing the whole thing into his mouth. He wouldn't really care what Richie thought would he?

Dough - S3-E4

Continuity mistake: When Ritchie, Eddie, Spudgun and Dave Hedgehog enter the pub with the fake money and order drinks, Ritchie asks for Absinthe but is told that the pub doesn't have any and is given Pernod instead. Later, when the £5000 pub quiz poster is pointed out, Ritchie says he's had half a pint of Absinthe and can't see anything. Where did the Absinthe come from if the pub didn't have any earlier in the episode and they never left?


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Digger - S2-E1

Woman: And your name?
Eddie: Edward Hitler.
Women: Ooh, any relation?
Eddie: Well... I've got a mother.
Women: No, no I meant to Adolf Hitler.
Eddie: Yes, that's her!

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Trivia: Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall met at drama college in 1975. Adrian said he couldn't stand the sight of Rik and when he saw him he thought...well what a tosser.

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