Plot hole: Brian bets Stewie about being at high school for a week. However, this was before Peter's stroke, and before the fire at McBurgertown. It would take at least a few weeks for McBurgertown was rebuilt, then Peter had his stroke, and then Lois tells Chris Peter's stroke was 3 months ago. After this scene, Stewie tells Brian he has lost the bet. However, the bet would only last one week.
Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode, Connie kisses Stewie. Her book and Stewie's clothes disappear from the floor when Connie is taken away.
Chosen answer: It's a real song called "Elvira". Originally by Dallas Fraizer in '66, however, this version seems to be the Oak Ridge Boys cover version. However, the mega lesbians skip the verse and just sing the chorus after the opening line.