Don't Forget the Diver - S4-E2
Corrected entry: Fraser regales the platoon with a tale of how he inherited a deep sea diver's suit when the owner died of the bends, and later there is some concern that when Fraser uses the suit underwater he will get the bends if he surfaces too quickly. Deep sea divers don't get the bends; they breathe uncompressed surface air pumped into their helmets. They do not 'compress', do not need to 'decompress' and do not get the bends.
Corrected entry: During the pier scene where Captain Mainwaring and APR Hodges meet, mainwaring refers to Hodges as 'Walker'.
Correction: Mainwaring actually refers to Hodges as Warden (his job title) not Walker.
Correction: Absolute rubbish. It is physically impossible for a diver to be at any depth and NOT be breathing compressed air. Even if it is pumped down to the diver at surface pressure (unlikely for reasons too numerous to mention), the air in the divers lungs will sill be compressed, the nitrogen in the blood will still be compressed and this will require decompression stops on ascent.