Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives (1965)

20 corrected entries

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Corrected entry: In March of 2005, when Philip was captured overseas, his wife Belle received a phone call to tell her that he was MIA. Messages like this are always communicated in person by a soldier and a chaplain.


Correction: Actually, only messages that the soldier is dead are always communicated in person. Many other notifications, including MIA status or injury can be made by telephone if it is deemed the most suitable option under the circumstances.

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Corrected entry: When Marlena ran into Jan and Nicole in front of Belle's apartment building, she said to Jan, 'So this must be the friend you talk about in therapy.' It is against patient confidentiality to discuss anything that happens in therapy in front of Nicole.

Correction: Marlena was, apparently, a serial killer, and she was intimidating Nicole with what she knew about her and Jan in order to make sure Nicole wouldn't come forward with any incriminating information about Marlena. She was deliberately violating doctor-patient confidentiality; as a serial killer, it's among the least of her transgressions.


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Corrected entry: Shawn Brady enters the church in Gallway, Ireland where Colleen Brady (his sister) was a novice on the show on 7/18/07. After dipping his fingers in the holy water, he crosses himself like an Orthodox Christian, not a Catholic. Orthodox Christians cross themselves with the three fingers of their right hand together and after touching their head and chest they touch their right shoulder first and then their left. This is very odd, since Shawn would never do this as an Irish Catholic.

Correction: I'm roman catholic of Irish decent also and this is the way I was taught to bless myself since birth and how I bless myself to this day.


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Corrected entry: In an epsiode at near the end of May '07, Phillip has Claire and Belle on a boat in the South Pacific, sailing away from Tinda Lau and towards Australia. While holding Claire on the deck of the boat, Phillip points out the constellation Casseopia to her. Casseopia is only visible in the northern hemisphere. They shouldn't be able to see it at all in the southern hemisphere.

Correction: Cassiopeia is at a declination of +60, which means that it can be seen as far below the equator as 30 degrees south latitude. That includes about half of Australia and much of the South Pacific. In addition, Tinda Lau is supposed to be near Guam, which is at 13 degrees north latitude.


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Corrected entry: In October of 2004, Shawn had brain surgery after a severe motorcycle accident. However, his full head of thick hair was untouched. In actuality, it would have to have been extensively shaved in order for brain surgery to be performed.


Correction: Not necessarily. My sister had brain surgery about 10 years ago, and she only had a small area shaved (the area where surgery was required).

Andy Benham

Correction: This is a character's mistake, it happens.

Super Grover

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Corrected entry: On 5/2/05, Roman goes on and on about how Kate should have waited a year after his apparent death before moving on. However, Roman "died" at the stroke of New Year's, 2004, which means that it had in fact been sixteen months.


Correction: Actually, Kate knew that Roman was once alive on the island. Really, that was about four or so months ago that Roman once again "died" while trying to come home to Kate. When John returned to Salem, he told Kate about how everyone was alive on the island.

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Corrected entry: In recent episodes (late 2005), Marlena is having memory flashes of her alleged life of dating and getting married to Alex North, but the footage they're using for these flashes is actually 20-year-old footage of Marlena's life with Roman Brady. Wayne Northrop, who now plays Alex North, actually played Roman Brady from 1981-1984, then again from 1991-1994, while Josh Taylor, the current Roman Brady, played a character named Chris Kositchek back then, taking over the role of Roman Brady in 1997. Now, they're using this footage of Wayne Northrop playing Roman Brady, but claiming it's Alex North. even though Alex North never existed as a character in the show's history until recently.

Correction: It is too early in this storyline to call this a plot hole, it is part of the plot. In soap operas (especially DAYS, think the ever changing identity of Roman Number Two now known as John Black) story lines change the back stories and Ken Corday was on TV recently hinting that Alex is really the REAL Roman and the current Roman is really Chris, which would make Marlena's memories REAL.


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Corrected entry: In September of 2003, everyone seems to immediately assume that Alice Horton is becoming senile when she says that she has been seeing the ghost of her dead husband Tom. The general consensus in Salem is that there's no such thing as ghosts. How can everybody be this incredulous, when they all know full well that Marlena was possessed by the Devil in 1995?


Correction: Just because they believe in the Devil doesn't mean they believe in ghosts. Christians believe in the Devil but don't necessarily believe in ghosts.

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Corrected entry: At the very end of the 5/31/05 episode, Phillip and his army unit are fighting in Iraq, and he falls on his face in front of a hand-made sign that says "Danger: Mine Field." There are 2 major problems with that. 1, if they're in Iraq, why is that sign written in English handwriting? 2, the purpose of a mine field is to kill people by surprise. so why would there be a sign indicating the mines being there?

Correction: 1, It was written by another unit. 2, The sign is there to prevent someone in any American unit from being killed by surprise.


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Corrected entry: While Shawn is in the war zone, talking to Belle on the phone, and Belle is telling Shawn how Phillip is honoring his vows to defend his country and she should be honoring the vows she made to him, she reaches for a shelf and touches a wedding picture of herself and Phillip. It isn't possible for there to be a wedding picture, considering Shawn drove a motorcycle through the church's window at the very end of the ceremony, and Belle was taken to the hospital, after which she went home and Phillip went to war. There was never a time after the wedding that pictures in their wedding clothes were ever taken.

Correction: They could have taken pictures before the wedding.

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Corrected entry: In one day, Jack dies, donates his organs, his body goes to the funeral home, and by the evening the funeral director has brought his body to the house for the wake. That's fast.

Jack's Revenge

Correction: Though it may seem fast, it is perfectly possible for Jack Deveraux's organs to be harvested and the funeral parlor to embalm his body in time for the wake.

Super Grover

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Corrected entry: In February, 2004, Victor was electrocuted in the tub. The lights in the Kiriakis mansion flickered, and Nicole mentioned to Brady that "It's an old house." But the house isn't old at all. It was rebuilt from the ground up in 2001 after Kate burned down the old house.


Correction: When the original mansion was burned down Victor and Phillip moved into another mansion while their home was rebuilt. However they never moved and have been in the temporary home ever since. This mansion could actually be quite old as we have no idea when it was built.

Kaitlin Schwartzel

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Corrected entry: When Abe Carver was shot on the day of his son's Christening, as he lay in the hospital bed, he had a flashback of talking to his attacker in a friendly manner, suggesting he knew who it was. He told the killer he had his bullet-proof vest on, and was then shot in the neck at close range. However, when Marlena was revealed to be the Serial killer a few months later, the flashbacks shown were of Marlena lurking in the bushes outside of the Carver house, shooting Abe from a distance. But how could that be if they were having a friendly chat? She'd have no time to run to the bushes to kill him.

LuMaria 1

Correction: Since it has now been revealed that Marlena was under some sort of control, leading her to believe she was the serial killer, both Abe's recollection of talking to someone and Marlena's of stalking in the bushes can be correct. We still don't know who actually "killed" the victims.

Kaitlin Schwartzel

Correction: It has been stated repeatedly that the island's unknown "mastermind" has been constantly supplying them with food, as well as clothing and other objects that he or she wants them to have at certain times. He or she often sneaks into their replica homes without their knowledge, and the characters have expressed confusion at how the mastermind does this, all of which emphasizes the degree of control that the mastermind is exerting over the captive's lives.


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Corrected entry: Why are Sami and Belle such close sisters, or even friends? Around 1992 or 1993, when Belle was an infant, Sami tried to sell Belle on the black market, and was caught by the family. Such a big event, yet Belle never heard about it?

Correction: Belle knows about it, but it happened when she was an infant. Is Belle supposed to hold a grudge forever about something she can't even remember? Belle is a sweet and forgiving person. She's moved on, and has forgiven Sami.

Jack's Revenge

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Corrected entry: Marlena murdered Doug in the graveyard in March, 2004, after luring him there by claiming there was a pay phone nearby. But Doug is a lifelong Salem resident, and should have known damn well that there was no pay phone in the area. It was ridiculous that he would follow her, especially given that he knew she was the serial killer.


Correction: Doug hadn't lived in Salem for a long time, he only comes back to visit for short stints. It is possible that a new pay phone had been installed in his absence.

Jack's Revenge

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Corrected entry: In the 1/26/04 episode, when the tiger, Horton, attacks Tony, Tony throws his samurai sword. It continues to show Horton bite and claw Tony for quite some time, then, it cuts back to the sword hitting the ground. In reality, the sword would have fell sooner.

Correction: The whole scene was in slow motion, so it makes sense that the sword didn't land sooner.

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Corrected entry: On 10/6/03, Kate asked Marlena not to reveal her secret past with Stefano. Kate says she doesn't want Roman to know that she was was once a "high priced call girl." The error here is that although Kate mentioned to Marlena that she did indeed have a past involvement with Stefano, she never said exactly what it was. So this would be the first time Marlena was hearing that Kate had ever been in that line of work, and surely she would have been shocked. Instead, the scene was written as though Marlena already knew about it.


Correction: You have forgotten that Kate used to see Marlena for therapy shortly after giving birth to Lucas. It was during that time that Kate divulged her "secret past" to Marlena. We never saw any of these scenes on screen, so the writers are free to do with them what they will.

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Corrected entry: On the 1/15/03 show, Mimi was talking to her older brother on her cell phone, but there was never any mention of her having an older brother. When they were homeless a few years back, there was only Mimi and her little brother, Connor. And when Judi Evans Luciano came back as Bonnie, she said something about doing what's best for Mimi and Connor, indicating that she only has two children.

Correction: In one episode, when Celeste and Bonnie was in town on Halloween, Bonnie mentioned that she took Mimi and her older brother to a scary movie, and they had nightmares for weeks.

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Continuity mistake: Oct 2003 - When Belle and Shawn are looking through the photo album, there's a picture of Jen in a wedding dress, and Jack dressed as a fireman. Shawn mentions that was Jack and Jen's first wedding. WRONG. That is when Jack stopped Jen's wedding from Emilio. He faked a fire and kidnapped her. Jennifer and Jack got married at the 'Wild West' arena.

Jack's Revenge

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Hattie: Dr. Stiner will you help me? I'm putting myself in your hands.
Rolf: Hattie, there is too much of you to fit in my hands.

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Trivia: On 10/22/03, Bonnie overhears Jennifer talking on the phone to Adrienne, and she comments that the name sounds familiar. The joke is that Judi Evans Luciano, the actress who plays Bonnie, used to play Adrienne in the late '80s.


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Question: In the actor/actress introductions at the end is "someone" in a long black dress who is not identified - who is the actress?

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