Mal: Now I gotta know how close the Alliance is. Exactly how much you told them before Wash scrambled your call. So I've given Jayne here the job of finding out.
Jayne: [Unsheathes a big knife.] He was non-specific as to how.
Mal: [Mutters to Jayne.] Now you only gotta scare him.
Jayne: Pain is scary.

Firefly (2002)
21 quotes from season 1
Starring: Alan Tudyk, Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, Morena Baccarin, Gina Torres, Summer Glau, Jewel Staite
Trivia: Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Adam Baldwin, and Alan Tudyk all later played villains on Joss Whedon's other Mutant Enemy productions: Fillion appeared as Caleb in the final five episodes of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," while Torres played Jasmine in season four of "Angel" and Baldwin played Marcus Hamilton in season five. Tudyk played Alpha in "Dollhouse".
Question: I've never seen the show myself, but I was wondering what kind of a name "Inara Serra" is. I'm assuming Inara is of Portuguese origin, but mostly because the actress was born in Brazil. Can someone please help me with this?
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Answer: Inara is actually Arabic in origin; it means "ray of light" or alternatively "heaven sent". Serra, on the other hand, is Portuguese and means "mountain range" - derived from the same word in Latin, where it means 'saw' (as in the cutting implement, which a mountain range might resemble, rather than the act of seeing).
Tailkinker ★