Question: Many times during the series, Lieutenant is pronounced as 'Left-tenant'. Why?
Question: The back of the Goes Forth DVD cover lists Tony Robinson's character as 'Private S. Baldrick'. What is Baldrick's first name?
Answer: The closest we ever get to knowing his first name is in series 3, when he claims it's "Sod Off". Blackadder asks him in series 3 where this came from, and he replies "Well, when I was a kid, living in the gutter, I'd go up to the other kids and say 'Hello, I'm Baldrick'. And they'd say, 'Yes, we know. Sod off, Baldrick.'" The S in this series is likely a reference to that, but it's not addressed, and given this Baldrick is clearly different from the series 3 Baldrick, we can't draw a direct link.
Question: When Blackadder is imprisoned with Baldrick and notices the door has been left open, why doesn't he escape? Why does he want the door closed and locked?
Answer: The Baron tells Blackadder they will be sent to a convent school outside Heidelberg to spend the rest of the war teaching young girls home economics, which he sees as the ultimate humiliation. Blackadder, however, is delighted to be spending the rest of the war "teaching nuns how to boil eggs" rather than being shot at every day.
Question: Do Blackadder, Baldrick, George and Darling die at the end or is it kind of like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid where we don't really know?
Answer: It's exactly like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. No one knows for absolutely sure, but it is a near-certainty that they did because they were in the first wave charging across no man's land. Like BC and the SK, they stop the scene just as they were rushing in.
Answer: That's the standard British pronounciation.
Moose ★