Kindaichi shônen no jiken bo

Kindaichi shônen no jiken bo (1997)

87 mistakes in season 2

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Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 1 - S2-E1

Revealing mistake: There's a frame of animation obviously missing when the cameraman moves past the rest of the crowd that gathers after the maid's scream. He basically teleports past Miyuki while his hand is still in the same position it had when he had the hand on her shoulder. (00:14:40)


Ghost Passenger Ship Murder Case: File 1 - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: At the dismal dinner party, Miyuki wears her hair in front of her right shoulder, except in the shot when the ocean magazine photographer introduces himself, when all of a sudden her hair is all the way back, and then after the captain throws his glance at the crowd in POV. (00:09:35)


Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 4 - S2-E4

Factual error: The bittersweet ending is powerful from a dramatic point of view, but also impossible, because law (in Japan, at least) explicitly forbids organs coming from suicide victims to go to their family members, to prevent behaviour exactly like the one displayed here.


Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 4 - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Itsuki retrieves the floppy disk and shows it to the other people in the room, in the first shot the fingertip is on the plastic edge, in the second it's by the metal shutter. The color is off, since a few parts that are plastic are colored like metal. (00:05:00)


Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 2 - S2-E2

Other mistake: Kindaichi is on the run from the police. He rolled in dirt with his only shirt and jeans, and he had multiple dirt stains when he was on the phone with Miyuki in Nagano, but at the end of his clandestine trip in the back of a truck, he shows up in Tokyo perfectly clean.


Kindaichi shônen no jiken bo mistake picture

Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 1 - S2-E1

Other mistake: Kindaichi escapes handcuffing the detective to the toilet's chain. Try to think of the last time you went to a restroom and the chain was SO long that you could yank it across the whole room (not stall, room) and outside the door. Going behind the sink's drain, even. Never seen a toilet like this in my life (and in that kind of bathroom, you have usually buttons or pedals, anyway). (00:21:00)


Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 1 - S2-E1

Other mistake: Miyuki notices the pager beeping and finds out that Kindaichi gave it to her without her noticing. In fact when he said goodbye to her, the keen-eyed viewer can actually spot him slipping her the device. There are a couple of slight problems with that; first, she retrieves it, not in frame, from her left side, but Kindaichi put it on the right side of her person. Second; she is wearing a white skirt with no pockets. (00:20:15)


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