Kyaputen Tsubasa

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

3 other mistakes in The Show Must Go On

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Starring: Arihiro Hase

Genres: Animated, Drama, Family, Sport

The Show Must Go On - S1-E7

Other mistake: Supporters cheer Ishizaki when he is trying to break the birdcage tactic. One of the guys who screams at him though is wearing the "S" jersey Shuutetsu supporters wear. (00:17:55)


The Show Must Go On - S1-E7

Other mistake: There were 3 defenders not taking part to the birdcage strategy, but Tsubasa does not have to beat any of them, except Takasugi who tries an American football tackle that would be penalized even by the very loose standards of the referees of this anime, and that happens as if he had to intercept him coming from behind; by every logic he should be in front of him. (00:20:55)


More mistakes in Kyaputen Tsubasa

Kick-Off for the Future - S1-E3

Trivia: International versions change Roberto's message to his coach at San Paulo FC, adding for some reason that he met a girl he fell in love with. This girl is never referenced nor appears, since, well, she does not exist? Roberto mentions that he met Tsubasa instead, who he wants to bring to greatness. (00:12:40)


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