Other mistake: This series is in the same continuity as the other Marvel animated series that aired around the same time - X-Men, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and The Incredible Hulk - by virtue of each aforementioned show crossing over with at least one of the others. However, the cameo appearance by Scarlet Spider in this episode creates a contradiction with Spider-Man, as in that series, Scarlet Spider was an alternate - and possibly cloned - version of Spider-Man from a different reality, who never visited the reality that this and the other Marvel shows take place in. (00:09:31)
Other mistake: When Dr. Doom's attendant is removing the wrapping from his left hand, in the first shot, he is simply holding onto the wrapping and moving his hand back and forth. (00:05:42)
Other mistake: When Johnny is asking Rick Jones where Dr. Banner is, he pulls up the sleeve of his glove to look at the time on his watch. However, there is no bulge on his wrist to indicate he is wearing a watch under the glove in the first place. (00:12:29)
Answer: Gleaned from the Internet: Much of the negative reaction was due to the poor, simplistic, and outdated quality of the animation where the characters moved stiffly and clumsily through scenes. There were also some obvious animation compositing gaffs. The animation colors were also criticized as being overly bright and cheery and out of character to the established story's darker tone. The broad humor of the first season was replaced by a more mature narrative between the characters.
raywest ★