Mobile Suit Gundam

Mobile Suit Gundam (1979)

3 mistakes in Winds of War - chronological order

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Winds of War - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: White Base collides with a mountain peak, sending Amuro and Fraw Bow flying. The cargo they were wheeling crashes against the wall. Haro from the top of pile bounces down on a component horizontal on the floor. Another element is leaning against this horizontal block, and the total height is greater than Haro's circumference. But in the reverse shot that diagonal piece is suddenly much smaller and barely reaches half of Haro's height. (00:03:00)


Winds of War - S1-E8

Revealing mistake: When the widow is bandaging the fighter pilot, the part of bandage she is wrapping appears and disappears during the animation - when her hand movies, instead of adding new layers of bandage, the army causes the green sleeve of the space suit to flash back in view. (00:20:10)


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