Friday Night Dinner

Friday Night Dinner (2011)

3 continuity mistakes in season 5 - chronological order

(12 votes)

The Surprise - S5-E3

Continuity mistake: As Jackie and the boys get in the car to go to the bar, Jackie is entering the back of the car, but when they arrive at the bar, she gets out of the front.

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Suggested correction: Could easily have switched places on the way there. Happens many times.


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Season 6 generally

Question: Is this actually true that with a massive heart attack Cynthia wouldn't have felt a thing? I thought the more serious the heart attack the more severe the pain?

Answer: Heart attacks can cause severe to mild pain, but in some cases, the victim feels nothing. Women tend to experience less severe pain than men. Also, there is a difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest, where the heart just suddenly stops beating, causing death. That was probably the case with Cynthia.


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