Death in Paradise

Written in Murder - S7-E3

Continuity mistake: On the beach after identifying the murder weapon as a knife, Jack walks off and says that there are 1,000 ways to kill a man. Officer Dwayne Myers is holding the camera at belt level and with both hands, but in the next close-up on Ardal O'Hanlon he's in the background with the arm down his side, the camera reaching the knee. (00:06:00)


Written in Murder - S7-E3

Continuity mistake: When Florence reads the morning note left by the victim, in close-up she's holding it in a different way than in the following view; from one hand it goes to both hands, and the Bic pen in the second shot passes between index and middle, not the case in close-up. (00:06:35)


Written in Murder - S7-E3

Continuity mistake: After the chat with Gilly White taking out of the trash, Jack picks a bottle to show it to Florence; he holds the bottle by upper or lower part of its neck, depending on the camera angle. (00:12:20)


Written in Murder - S7-E3

Continuity mistake: When Jack realises the obvious and waves the calling card around, he's holding it in a different way between shots, with the thumb in the upper corner as he shouts "I know who Otis Falconer is." (00:41:25)


Episode #2.7 - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: When Fidel and Dwayne arrive at the place where Camille and Richard are hiding for the hurricane, they can open the doors without a problem, whereas Camille and Richard had taken great care of locking the doors from the inside.

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Erupting in Murder - S6-E1

Trivia: A bit of the episode has been cut for the streaming releases; at the end of the scene with Humphrey taking Martha's luggage, he would make a date with her for the next day, to cook dinner for her at 8. This has been eliminated probably because it created timing issues with 8 PM being too well lit (in contrast with the supposed timing of the murder) and the ending takes place at Catherine's for a cute drinking scene anyway. (00:22:50)


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Show generally

Question: When Richard reminisces about England, he talks about going to the pub and having a pint. Yet the whole time he's in Saint Marie, he is never seen to drink alcohol with the rest of the team; only cups of tea. Why?

Answer: Most likely they had only tropical exotic drinks, he wanted an old fashioned English beer.

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