Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries (2008)

0 character mistakes in season 1 - chronological order

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Tattered and Torn - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: At the end of the previous episode Murdoch has a ring with a dark blue stone, but at the start of this episode he takes out the box and the ring has a dark red stone.

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Question: Why does Murdoch's bike not have a ring bell or horn? He is often seen cycling through the busy streets at high speed to arrive on a scene ASAP but never uses any sound warning apart from yelling occasionally - which looks pretty awkward for an official person.


Answer: It's certainly a personal choice about using one, and probably similar to how some people refuse to wear a helmet or forego other safety equipment. Most bells and horns on bikes are not very loud and probably wouldn't be heard in busy traffic, making them mostly ineffective. Murdoch would likely still yell, even if he had a bell or horn.


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