
iZombie (2015)

1 character mistake in Blue Bloody - chronological order

(2 votes)

Blue Bloody - S4-E2

Character mistake: Vampire Steve says the safe has over a trillion possible combinations, but it's only a 6-digit code, which is only 1 million possible combinations. Even if letters could be used in the combination, that would only be a little over 2 billion possible combinations.


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Suggested correction: If there were a passcode consisting of numbers and/or letters, there'd be 36 possible character choices (26 letters, 10 numbers) - Even if you were forced to discount passcodes between 1-5 characters long, there's still a possible 10,314,424,798,490,536,936,184,856,096 (10 octillion) possible 6 digit passwords.

You mixed up your numbers. To figure out the number of combination you simply multiple the number of options for each spot in the password. While there was nothing to suggest it was a alphanumeric code, we'll assume it was. The first character has 36 options. Adding a second character gives 1,296 combinations (36*36). Since there's 6 characters that's 36*36*36*36*36*36. Which is the same a 36^6 (36 to the 6th power). You're saying it's 6^36 meaning there's only 6 options, but 36 spots (a 36-character password instead of a 6-character password).


Abra Cadaver - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: When Liv is describing how the murder took place, there is a shot of Babineaux in which you can see the edge of Meers' wig on her head, even though it had been taken off a minute before. (00:36:30)

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Abra Cadaver - S2-E7

Liv: They identified a hair found in the sink drain of Meat Cute as belonging to missing astronaut Alan York. You killed the fourth man who walked on the moon?
Blaine: Please, nobody cares about the fourth person to do something.


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