Plot hole: How do they travel all over so quickly? Why does it take the same amount of time to travel from one continent as it does city to city? Someone in Paris talks to another in Zambia and bam, they're together all of a sudden.
Murmuration - S1-E9
Plot hole: The team went to look for a leopard with a natural mutation which would imply a black panther or a leopard with a mutation. But then they find normal leopards who have already started killing people, and in the hospital it was clear that the leopards were already exposed to Reiden's Mother Cell, yet they persisted with the "cure".
Answer: My assumption would be a simple "it's not important" explanation. It's one of those typical selfless things in film where the characters don't provide specific information as to not make other characters worry about them, in addition to her intelligence background she may have just thought it would distract them from their main goal. Nothing really "happened" to her that would really drive plot development either, as she was quickly rescued from the situation. A similar example would be when Chloe called right after the speech she gave, Jamie doesn't tell her that Jackson was shot, just that he was hurt and that he'll be OK. We can assume that she just doesn't want Chloe to worry about him.