The Armor Wars: Part 2 - S2-E9
Other mistake: When Nick Fury is overseeing the cleanup of Iron Man's attack on Firepower, his fingernails have been drawn on his gloved hands. (00:10:38 - 00:11:03)
Hulk Buster - S2-E11
Other mistake: When Hulk throws the ring into the volcano, it is rapidly approaching the lava before Iron Man dives after it and successfully catches it before it lands in the lava. At the rate the ring was falling, it would have landed in the lava well before Iron Man could swoop down and catch it. (00:09:08)

Other mistake: When H.O.M.E.R. is bringing up the map to show where MODOK's likely location is, the states are so crudely drawn that they shouldn't be considered to be a legitimate map. The four corners of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona don't line up, Utah is almost entirely square-shaped, Nevada looks like it has been smashed between California and Utah, and the eastern part of New Mexico has been elongated. (00:08:52)
The Armor Wars: Part 1 - S2-E8
Other mistake: In both establishing shots of the wellness center, the water on the fountain in the background is not cascading down. It is just hanging over the edges of each level, resembling icicles. When Iron Man knocks Controller into the fountain, the water is moving properly. (00:08:47 - 00:11:25)
Hands of the Mandarin: Part 2 - S2-E13
Other mistake: When the mountain bandits are galloping towards Rhodey, they get about 10 feet from him when he raises his War Machine armor above his head, spins it around a few times, and then knocks a couple bandits off their horses with it. Given the short distance the bandits were from Rhodey combined with the speed at which they were approaching him, they would have reached him before he could have begun spinning his armor around. (00:08:58)
Other mistake: When Tony steps out of the mine shaft elevator, the animators have drawn the elevator to be following Tony as he begins walking. (00:04:13)

Cell of Iron - S2-E3
Other mistake: When Iron Man enters the spaceship through the airlock, he lands in front of the airlock door. When the airlock closes, it somehow does so in front of him, even though it should be behind him. (00:09:00)
Other mistake: When Tony is sealing the door to his jet shut, he rotates the handle in a full circle, and Rhodey does the same thing, but in the opposite direction when he exits the jet. When Tony is sealing the door back shut after Rhodey leaves, he only rotates the handle about 45°. (00:07:07 - 00:08:00)

Other mistake: When Firebrand is in the back of the police car, his handcuffs are the same yellow-orange color as most of his costume, and half of the front passenger seat is missing. (00:19:19)
Other mistake: When Tony Stark is suiting up to rescue War Machine, the device he wears on his chest to keep the shrapnel out of his heart is missing. (00:01:52)

The Armor Wars: Part 2 - S2-E9
Other mistake: In the shot of the cliff just before Iron Man and Stingray rise out of the ocean, the lighthouse is the same color as the sky and clouds surrounding it. (00:04:05)

The Armor Wars: Part 1 - S2-E8
Other mistake: When the reporters begin taking pictures of Tony Stark during his press conference, several of them have been drawn without faces. (00:19:49 - 00:20:17)
The Armor Wars: Part 1 - S2-E8
Other mistake: When Tony is at the wellness center, the sign outside says "Center for Achievement of Bliss," but the receptionist welcomes him to the "Center for the Achievement of Eternal Bliss." (00:08:47)
Other mistake: As with all previous episodes in this season, this one ends with Mandarin tracking down one of his ten rings. However, when he retrieved a ring at the end of the previous episode and adorned it, he was shown wearing a ring on all ten fingers. (00:20:37 - 00:21:17)
Other mistake: When Dark Aegis blows up a section of a building to get Iron Man's attention, the trail of smoke becomes still after the finishes panning left. (00:12:23)
Iron Man, on the Inside - S2-E6
Other mistake: When Iron Man has successfully shrunken down, Julia confirms that he has been reduced to the size of a molecule. However, the line separating the slabs on the floor of the platform he was standing on, as well as the edge of the platform behind him are also still visible. If he was the size of a molecule, the floor around him would also account for a very small surface area, not even large enough to be the size of a drop of water. (00:08:36)
Other mistake: Tony Stark has long hair that goes down to about the base of his neck, but when he puts his helmet on after figuring out what Firebrand's plan is, his hair magically goes entirely inside the helmet without him tucking it. (00:13:00)
Answer: Gleaned from the Internet: Some critics criticized the premise of so many one-off battles that were introduced and concluded within one or two episodes. Others felt the first-season plot lines were overly simplistic and never progressed or developed through the season. Also, the rivalry between Iron Man and the Mandarin also failed to capture viewer's attention.
raywest ★