The Fall

The Fall (2013)

3 mistakes in season 3 - chronological order

(2 votes)

The Gates of Light - S3-E3

Other mistake: When Spector is sitting up with the help of his nurse, the subtitles say [Spencer groans]; I think they mean "Spector", and he was the only man in that scene. It makes sense that he was grunting while sitting up.

Their Solitary Way - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: Spector is sitting eating breakfast at the assessment centre, when another patient joins him sitting opposite him at the table. The camera then cuts back to Spector and there is a 3rd chair to one side, which Spector is now sitting on.

Stella Gibson: That's what really bothers you, isn't it? The one-night stand? Man fucks woman. Subject man, verb fucks, object woman. That's okay. Woman fucks man. Woman subject, man object. That's not so comfortable for you, is it?

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