Jane Avril: What is wrong with me, Henri? Other women find love and happiness. I find only disenchantment.
Henri: But you find it so often.
Quotes from Zsa Zsa Gabor movies and TV shows
Jane Avril: Myriamme, you are incorrigible! The first time you're out with a man and you tell him your father died of alcoholism! Anyway, whose father didn't?
Jane Avril: Henri, my dear, we just heard you were dying. We simply had to say good-bye.
Henri: Well, Jane, what a long road you have traveled. Only a few years ago you were singing for your supper, and here you are a full-fledged star at twenty-nine.
Jane Avril: Twenty-five.
Henri: Of course, I beg your pardon. Twenty-five.
Jane Avril: I have been twenty-five for four years, and I shall stay there for another four. Then I'll be twenty-seven for a while. I intend to grow old gracefully.
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