Stepmother: It's not over yet.
Drizella: What.
Stepmother: He thinks he can ruin my plans I think not.
Anastasia: Who.
Stepmother: The prince he's gone after Cinderella.
Anastasia: But I thought he loved me.
Drizella: MOTHER.
Turanga Munda: Our little girl is finally getting married, and to a normal two-eyed human.
Turanga Morris: Eh, he's not good enough for her. Leela deserves a guy with a dozen eyes.
Turanga Munda: Quit trying to fix her up with Fly Mutant.
Buster Bunny: Over here, Barbara Ann Bunny.
Babs Bunny: Don't call ME that.
Babs Bunny: Oh, Buster, I didn't think I'd get a chance to tell you.
Buster Bunny: Shh. I feel the same way.
Big Daddy Boo: Ah, simmer down, youngins. You'll all marry this one.
Big Boo: Oh! I'll get the wedding rings.
Sissy Boo: I'll get the flowers.
Little Boo: I'll get the oven ready.
Buster Bunny: We were really cooking.
Babs Bunny: You are really so alert.
Babs Bunny: We've got snappers and crackers and poppers and bangers. We've got them Roman candles, yucky curly snakey things, and the little spinny whirly balls that never work.
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