Ellen Miller: It's all going to be fine. It always is. Just follow the plan.
Robert Miller: And what is that plan?
Ellen Miller: Confidence equals contract.
Robert Miller: You sound like a fortune cookie.
Ellen Miller: They are your words, actually.
Robert Miller: Then you married an idiot.
Ellen Miller: You broke our little girl's heart.
Robert Miller: That's how it all works, Ellen. You know that.
Ellen Miller: I know, but she didn't.
Robert Miller: She'll be better for it. The world is cold.
Ellen Miller: Then you're gonna need a warm coat.
Victoria Kord: Target the family!
Victoria Kord: The scarab chose you. But it belongs to me!
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: Ooh, I've heard of stuff like this.
Annie Savoy: Yeah? Have you heard of Walt Whitman?
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: No. Who's he play for?
Annie Savoy: Listen, sweetheart, you shouldn't listen to what a woman says when she's in the throes of passion. They say the darndest things.
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: Yeah, you said "Crash".
Annie Savoy: Honey, would you rather I were making love to him using your name, or making love to you using his name?
Annie Savoy: Right, honey, let's get down to it. How was Ebby Calvin LaLoosh?
Millie: Well, he fucks like he pitches - sorta all over the place.
Annie Savoy: The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness.
Crash Davis: Last chance. Your place or mine?
Annie Savoy: Despite my rejection of most Judeo-Christian ethics, I am, within the framework of the baseball season, monogamous.
Sharon Solarz: You don't have kids, do you?
Ben Shepard: No. I... I barely have furniture.
Sharon Solarz: Well, if you do, you'll realise that they change you.
Clyde Percy: How can you stand next to him?
Sister Helen Prejean: Mr. Percy, I'm just trying to follow the example of Jesus, who said that a person is not as bad as his worst deed.
Clyde Percy: This is not a person. This is an animal.
Sister Helen Prejean: It's not faith, it's work.
Sister Helen Prejean: Show me some respect, Matthew.
Matthew Poncelet: Why? 'Cause you're a nun?
Sister Helen Prejean: Because I'm a person.
Sister Helen Prejean: Look at you. Death is looking down your neck, and you're playing your little male come-on games.
Hollie Baylor: It takes time to be funny. It takes time to extract joy from life.
Hollie Baylor: We were complete opposites and it worked. And something happened between us that was not part of the plan... we were in love.
Hank Deerfield: I'll call you when I get there tomorrow.
Joan Deerfield: It's a two-day drive.
Hank Deerfield: For some people.
Marnie: I would kill my daughter if she died on a motorcycle.
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