Quotes from Rosalind Russell movies and TV shows

Rose Hovick: Remember - you're a lady. You make them beg for more... and then don't give it to them.

Rose Hovick: Here she is, boys! Here she is, world! Here's Rose.

More Gypsy quotes

Bensinger: Are we invited to the wedding?
Hildy Johnson: Well, I might use you for a bridesmaid, Roy.

Walter Burns: There's been a lamp burning in the window for ya, honey... here.
Hildy Johnson: Oh, I jumped out that window a long time ago.

Louis: What's the matter, Hildy?
Hildy Johnson: Don't give me that innocent stuff! What did you pull on Mr. Baldwin this time?
Louis: Who, me?
Hildy Johnson: Yes, you and that albino of yours.
Louis: You talkin' about Evangeline?
Hildy Johnson: None other.
Louis: She ain't no albino.
Hildy Johnson: She'll do till one comes along.
Louis: She was born right here in this country.

Hildy Johnson: Walter, you're wonderful, in a loathsome sort of way.

Walter Burns: Look, Hildy, I only acted like any husband that didn't want to see his home broken up.
Hildy Johnson: What home?
Walter Burns: "What home"? Don't you remember the home I promised you?

Hildy Johnson: A big fat lummox like you hiring an airplane to write: "Hildy, don't be hasty. Remember my dimple. Walter." Delayed our divorce 20 minutes while the judge went out and watched it.

Walter Burns: What were you when you came here five years ago - a little college girl from a school of journalism. I took a doll-faced hick.
Hildy Johnson: Well, you wouldn't take me if I hadn't been doll-faced.
Walter Burns: Well, why should I? I thought it would be a novelty to have a face around here a man could look at without shuddering.

More His Girl Friday quotes

Mother Superior: As for the social graces, I'm convinced that your school encourages barbarism and concerns itself only with free thinking, free wheeling and finger-painting.
Mr. Petrie: The finest educational minds in the country happen to be on our side.
Mother Superior: God is on ours.

Mother Superior: This is a Catholic school Mr. Gottschalk.
Mr. Gottschalk: Band uniforms are non-sectarian.

Rachel Devery: Couldn't we have uniforms, too, Reverend Mother?
Mother Superior: Most certainly not. The band will perform in their gym suits.
Rachel Devery: Our gym suits?
Mother Superior: Yes.
Mary Clancy: But, they're awful! I mean, it's not as if they were like Sacred Heart's. At Sacred Heart they wear short-shorts for gym.
Mother Superior: They're French.

Mother Superior: Well, it is the point, not the vernacular, that is important.

More The Trouble with Angels quotes

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