White Knight: Believe it or not, a word in your head.
Alice: What?
Hatter: Don't ask.
Mae Thompson: How did this happen?
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Sr.: Let me handle this. How did this happen?
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Jr.: Um, dad... You know that weights aren't my thing.
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Sr.: Weights aren't your thing. Fishing isn't your thing. Just what is your thing?
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Jr.: I don't know. But I'll keep you posted okay?
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Sr.: Okay, in the meantime, you're trying these weights, and you're coming fishing with the family! is that clear? I can't hear you.
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Jr.: Yes sir.
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Sr.: The early worm catches the fish, Russell. Remember that.
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Sr.: Hey, Szalinski, your lawn's beginning to look like the Amazon.
Wayne Szalinski: Yeah, producing oxygen, Russ. We all have to do our part. You know how all the jungles are receding everywhere.
Ronald 'Ron' Thompson: Hey Szalinski, ever do anything normal? Like play baseball?
Nick Szalinski: Nope. Baseball is for mortals.
Ronald 'Ron' Thompson: Maybe you could be the base.
Nick Szalinski: Maybe you could be the mound.
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Sr.: Ronald, lug your stuff.
Ronald 'Ron' Thompson: Later, worm.
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Sr.: When I was your age, I put on twenty pounds of pure unadulterated blitz-the-quarterback-and-rip-his-head-off muscle, Russell.
Russell 'Russ' Thompson, Sr.: Szalinski! Give it a rest! IT'S saturday.
Edison Carter: What happened to the old religions?
Murray: I don't know. Television killed it. We have better miracles.
Edison Carter: Bryce, what are you doing?
Bryce Lynch: Well, I've discovered a new color and I'm working on a magnet that attracts wood.
Edison Carter: What are you doing right now?
Dr. Chet Wakeman: I don't watch daytime TV. It weirds me out.
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