Michael Collins: I want peace and quiet. I want it so much I'd die for it.
Cathal Brugha: The Minister is as usual exceeding his brief.
Michael Collins: And what is my brief, Cathal?
Cathal Brugha: Intelligence.
Michael Collins: Bullshit! I'm Minister for Gun-Running, Daylight Robbery, and General Mayhem.
Briar Gates: I found out more in two hours than you did in two weeks. I know who killed Gerald.
Briar Gates: This land's mine... I can go out and take a piss on it in the middle on the night if I want to.
Damon Pennington: No prison in the world is airtight.
Mike Conlon: They should have locked you up a long time ago. Made you pay for the things you did.
Jimmy Conlon: Just because I'm not behind bars doesn't mean I'm not paying for what I did, Michael.
Jimmy Conlon: I'm giving you one more chance to walk away from this.
Shawn Maguire: You're giving me one more chance?
Jimmy Conlon: That's right. As long as you're coming after Michael, I'm coming after you. Walk away, Shawn.
Shawn Maguire: Walk away to what, Jimmy? Huh? Ain't got nothing left to walk back to anymore.
Jimmy Conlon: This is between you and me. Leave my son out of it.
Shawn Maguire: Fuck you.
Jimmy Conlon: Then we do like you always said. We cross that line together. Right now.
Jimmy Conlon: The things I did, the things I've seen, it becomes who you are. You can't just go home and scrub it off. The only way I could protect you was to walk away. Forget about you and your mom. I wanted a better life for you than the one I chose for myself.
Oskar Schindler: Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't.
Amon Goeth: You think that's power?
Oskar Schindler: That's what the Emperor said. A man steals something, he's brought in before the Emperor, he throws himself down on the ground. He begs for his life, he knows he's going to die. And the Emperor... Pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.
Amon Goeth: I think you are drunk.
Oskar Schindler: That's power, Amon. That is power.
Oskar Schindler: They won't soon forget the name "Oskar Schindler" around here."Oskar Schindler, " they'll say, "everybody remembers him. He did something extraordinary. He did what no one else did. He came with nothing, a suitcase, and built a bankrupt company into a major manufactory. And left with a steamer trunk, two steamer trunks, of money. All the riches of the world."
Itzhak Stern: By law I have to tell you, sir, I'm a Jew.
Oskar Schindler: Well, I'm a German, so there we are.
Oskar Schindler: Why do you drink that motor oil? I send you good stuff all the time.
Carver: Son, nobody can protect nobody in this world. The sooner you realise that, the better.
Ferreira: There's a saying in here: "Mountains and rivers can be moved but men's nature cannot be moved."
Ferreira: I do because you are just like me. You see Jesus in Gethsemane and believe your trial is the same as His. Those five in the pit are suffering too, just like Jesus, but they don't have your pride. They would never compare themselves to Jesus. Do you have the right to make them suffer? I heard the cries of suffering in this same cell. And I acted.
Ferreira: I pray too, Rodrigues. It doesn't help. Go on, pray. But pray with your eyes open.
Qui-Gon Jinn: You must have Jedi reflexes if you race pods.
[Jar Jar tries to grab a piece of fruit with his tounge, but Qui-Gon catches it.]
Qui-Gon Jinn: Don't do that again.
Padme: Are you sure about this? Trusting our fate to a boy we hardly know? The Queen would not approve.
Qui-Gon Jinn: The Queen doesn't need to know.
Padme: Well I don't approve.
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