Don: Well, what happened to her?
Sears James: Well, that's obvious, isn't it?
Ricky Hawthorne: We killed her.
Sears James: It was as if she had never been here. As if it had never happened.
Bartholomew: No player is greater than the game itself. Its a significant game, in a number of ways, the velocities of the ball, the awful physics of the track, and in the middle of it all: men - playing by an odd set of rules. Its not a game man is supposed to grow strong in, Jonathan. You appreciate that, don't you?
Bartholomew: You're bargaining for the right to stay in a horrible social spectacle. It has its purposes. You've served those purposes brilliantly. Why argue when you can quit? And you say you want to know why decisions are made. You're future comfort is assured. You don't need to know! Why argue about decisions you're not powerful enough to make for yourself?
Jonathan E.: If the rule changes stay the same, Mr. Bartholomew, I'm playing with my team.
Bartholomew: Too late. The rule changes are already scheduled and announced. There's no going back. You saw to that.
Jonathan E.: Then I'll see you in Tokyo.
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