Quotes from Jamie Foxx movies and TV shows

Drew 'Bundini' Brown: Now I'm Jewish and he's Muslim, and because of that he tells me I need to give up certain things, like pork and white women... I can give up the Pork, but the white women? God Damn, how the hell do you do that?

Reporter: Hey, you think it's about time for a hairpiece?
Drew 'Bundini' Brown: What you talking 'bout a hairpiece for? You already done lost all your hair, you cueball headed motherfucker.

More Ali quotes

Electro: Soon, everyone in the city will know how it feels to live in a world without power, a world without mercy, a world without Spider-Man!

Electro: It's my birthday, now it's time for me to light my candle!

More The Amazing Spider-Man 2 quotes

Hannigan: Like me on Facebook.
Will Stacks: I don't like you in Harlem, why would I like you on Facebook?

Will Stacks: See, you gotta play the cards that you've been dealt. No matter how bad the cards are.
Annie: What if you don't have any cards.
Will Stacks: Then you bluff.

Will Stacks: Sometimes what you're looking for, is right in front of your face.

More Annie quotes

Leo: You guys are spies?
Matt: Yeah.
Leo: Like Jason Bourne?
Matt: Yes! But we remember things.

More Back in Action quotes

Rushon: Hey Bunz, you got any condoms?
Bunz: Stardate 2102: I'm without contraceptives, so please... leave me the fk alone.

More Booty Call quotes

Max: The fat man, the penthouse guy, the jazz man. That leaves two.
Felix: Can you finish?
Max: In six years, when have I not?

Traffic Cop #2: Hey, is this blood up here on your windshield?
Max: Yeah, uh, yeah. I hit a deer.
Traffic Cop #1: You hit a deer?
Max: Yeah, over on, uh, it was on Slauson.
Traffic Cop #1: A South Central deer?

Max: Why didn't you just kill me and get another cab driver?
Vincent: Cause you're good. We're in this together. Fates intertwined. Cosmic Coincidence.

Vincent: There's no good reason, there's no bad reason to live or to die.
Max: Then what are you?
Vincent: I'm indifferent.

More Collateral quotes

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