Alexandra Page: I didn't even read the questions, I just took a number 2 pencil and filled in the bubbles as fast as I could.
Christopher Wooden: What did you put for sex?
Alexandra Page: Occasionally.
Christopher Wooden: You could be loved by me.
Alexandra Page: I could be loved by you.
Christopher Wooden: You COULD be loved by me.
Alexandra Page: I could be HURT by you.
Boy: Did you rob that liquor store in Galveston?
Binx: Yep, that was us.
Billie Jean: We did not.
Guy: What about that school in Laredo? You burn it down?
Binx: No way, guy. We don't do schools.
Billie Jean: Lloyd, do you make videos?
Lloyd: All the time.
Billie Jean: What about copies?
Lloyd: I can make as many as you want... You are absolutely right.
Ophelia: What's she talking about?
Lloyd: She's gonna answer their call.
Lloyd: I'm done being your hostage.
Billie Jean: Fine, I'll see you in jail.
Ringwald: If that scooter's not back on your front lawn in two days.
Billie Jean: We live in Breeze Haven.
Ringwald: All right, in front of your trailer... you give us a call, we'll... drag in the fucker.
Billie Jean: You ever been to Vermont?
Lloyd: Sure, on ski trips.
Billie Jean: Maybe we should go there tonight, all of us, hitchhike.
Lloyd: You can't do that, not now, everybody knows you, they want to see you get the money.
Billie Jean: They want to see us dead, remember Joan of Arc?
Brantley Foster: What's up? You seem kind of upset.
Christy Wills: I hate men.
Brantley Foster: Well! Glad I'm not one of 'em.
Lucy Lane: All you need is a couple of streaks and your ears pierced. I could do it for you, it's easy. You just get a needle, heat it up, dab it with some alcohol, and zap! The guys go crazy.
Linda Lee: My ears what?
Lucy Lane: Pierced. Like and you know, I take a needle, and then I heat it up, dab it with some alcohol and, zap, all the guys go crazy.
Linda Lee: Because I have holes in my ears?
Lucy Lane: What, are you putting me on? Sometimes I can't figure you out, Linda.
Lucy Lane: Look at that dingleberry.
Linda Lee: What's a dingleberry?
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