Buddy Bragg: You think there's a Hell?
Jack Foley: Yeah, it's called the Glades Correctional Institute. I'm sure as shit not going back there, or anyplace like it.
Buddy Bragg: Oh, they put a gun on you, you'll go.
Jack Foley: They put a gun on you, you still have a choice.
Jack Foley: What kind of name is Hejira?
Hejira: It's Islamic.
Jack Foley: What's it mean?
Hejira: The Hejira was Mohammed's flight from Mecca in 632. Brothers in Leavenworth gave me that name.
Jack Foley: You were in Leavenworth?
Hejira: For a time.
Jack Foley: What's that mean?
Hejira: Means, when the time came, I left.
Jack Foley: You broke out?
Hejira: I prefer to think of it as an exodus from an undesirable place.
Karen Sisco: I'm sale rep, and I came her to call on a customer, but they gave me a hard time, because I'm a girl.
Jack Foley: Is that how you think of yourself?
Karen Sisco: As a sales rep?
Jack Foley: As a girl.
Karen Sisco: Oh, that's right, you have my wallet. Why don't you come by the house, you can drop it off?
Jack Foley: Sure, I'll leave it with the S.W.A.T. guy who answers the door.
Jack Foley: Alright, now I can say that I fucked a U.S. marshal. Do you think I will?
Jack Foley: I know a guy who walks into a bank with a little glass bottle. He tells everyone it's nitroglycerine. He scores some money off the teller, walks out. On his way out, the bottle breaks, he slips on it and knocks himself out. The "nitro" was Canola oil. I know more fucked-up bank robbers than ones who know what they're doing. I doubt if one in twenty could tell you where the dye pack is. Most bank robbers are fucking morons.
Jack Foley: Take your sunglasses off.
Glenn Michaels: I see better with 'em on, man.
Jack Foley: You don't take them off, I'm gonna throw them off the overpass while they're still on your head. Go wait in the car.
Glenn Michaels: Um, we're in civilization now so you can ease up just a little bit.
Jack Foley: I'm sorry! I'd like you to wait in the car please. Take her, put her in the back.
Glenn Michaels: Okay... in the trunk?
Jack Foley: In THE backseat! in THE backseat.
Jack Foley: Give me a minute to talk to Buddy.
Maurice "Snoopy" Miller: You got two minutes, that's all. Make up your mind, Foley.
Jack Foley: I wasn't asking permission.
Thomas Devoe: I don't know about these guys, but General Aleksandr Kodoroff doesn't ride around on a nuclear transportation train. It's like Ivana Trump on the subway.
Julia Kelly: So do you think he set us up?
Thomas Devoe: Who?
Julia Kelly: Your friend.
Thomas Devoe: No.
Julia Kelly: How can you be so sure?
Thomas Devoe: Because he's my friend.
Thomas Devoe: I'm not gonna shoot you unless I have to. And if I have to I'll feel really bad about it. Now sit down!
Thomas Devoe: It doesn't make sense. You don't... You don't kill a Dimitri Vertikoff. There are certain rules - killing him isn't useful.
Julia Kelly: Is it ever?
Snow: How much sleep ya need, Kelvin?
Chris Kelvin: How much sleep?
Snow: Yeah. Um, how long ya think you can go without sleep?
Chris Kelvin: Depends.
Snow: Well, when you do go to sleep... I find I sleep much better with the door locked.
Rheya Kelvin: I can't remember how I got here. Did I come here with you?
Chris Kelvin: I don't know how you got here.
Rheya Kelvin: What do you mean?
Chris Kelvin: I woke up and you were here.
Chris Kelvin: What does Solaris want from us?
Gibarian: Why do you think it has to want something? This is why you have to leave. If you keep thinking there's a solution, you'll die here.
Chris Kelvin: I can't leave her. I'll figure it out.
Gibarian: Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? There are no answers, only choices.
Chris Kelvin: Why did you kill yourself?
Gibarian: It seemed like a good idea at the time, now I think I made a mistake.
Bob Barnes: I want you to take him from his hotel, drug him, put him in the front of a car, and run a truck into it at 50 mph.
Bob Barnes: Innocent until investigated? That's nice. It's got a nice ring to it. Bet you've worn some miles on old sayings like that. Gives the listener the sense of the law being written as it's spoken.
Bob Barnes: Intelligence work isn't training seminars and gold stars for attendance.
Fred Franks: What do you think intelligence work is Bob?
Bob Barnes: I think it's two people in a room and one of them's asking a favor that is a capital crime in every country on earth, a hanging crime.
Fred Franks: No Bob, it's assessing the information gathered from that favor and then balancing it against all the other information gathered from all the other favors.
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