Wilson Daniels: I'd rather not know how you get your gossip. Uh, what else do you know about them?
Tony Krauch: Uh, uh. Uh, Mr. Bartlett, that man of mine.
Kenneth Bartlett: What about him?
Tony Krauch: Well, he's took up with some no-good gal in town and spendin' all the money I makes takin' her out Susie-Q'in' and such.
Helen Bartlett: Oh, that's a shame. Susie-Q'in', huh?
Tony Krauch: Yes'm. And, uh - uh, Mr. Bartlett, I was wonderin'. Well, speakin' right to the point, if I lets go with a few well-aimed bullets, does you think you can get me off with the law okay?
Helen Bartlett: If you'd only let me go out and get a job.
Kenneth Bartlett: I'm taking care of you.
Helen Bartlett: A lot of wives work - even millionaires' wives.
Kenneth Bartlett: Oh, but that's different. They work because they're bored and not as a signal to the rest of the worid that their husbands need help. If you went to work, I'd be a confessed failure and I'm not that - yet.
Kenneth Bartlett: I thought he was a queer sorta duck.
Kenneth Bartlett: I'm going so far away, I won't even know what year it is!
Kenneth Bartlett: Think of this all, of you, Helen Bartlett is not Helen Bartlett alone. Helen Bartlett is womankind. Has not womankind the sacred right to protect herself at any cost?
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