Belle: I never thanked you for saving my life.
Beast: Well, I never thanked you for not leaving me to be eaten by wolves.
Lumière: You must forgive first impressions. I hope you are not too startled.
Belle: Why would I be startled? I'm talking to a candle.
Lumière: Candelabra, please. Enormous difference.
Maurice: I love you, Belle. Don't be afraid.
Belle: I love you, too, Papa. I'm not afraid. And I will escape. I promise.
Nicki: You're stressing me out.
Nicki: I'm a firm believer in Karma and I think this situation is a huge learning lesson for me... I want to lead a country one day for all I know.
Nicki: Let's go to Paris'. I want to rob.
Harry Potter: This is mental.
Hermione Granger: Completely mental.
Ron Weasley: The world's mental.
Ron Weasley: Hey!
Hermione Granger: You... Complete arse, Ronald Weasley! You show up here after weeks, and you say 'Hey'?
Hermione Granger: If Voldemort's really taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe.
Harry Potter: We have to go there, now.
Hermione Granger: What? We can't do that! We've got to plan! We've got to figure it out...
Harry Potter: Hermione! When have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose!
Hermione Granger: We can't just stand here. Who's got an idea?
Ron Weasley: Don't ask us. You're the brilliant one!
[The four champions and Hermione Granger gather around Dumbledore before the beginning of the first task.]
Dumbledore: You've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived, a moment only four of you can fully appreciate - what are you doing here, Miss Granger?
Hermione Granger: Oh ... Um ... Sorry, I'll just go then.
Hermione Granger: Promise you'll write me this summer; both of you!
Ron Weasley: I won't; you KNOW I won't.
Hermione: Harry will; won't you?
Harry Potter: Yeah; every week!
Hermione Granger: She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One.
Harry Potter: But I AM the Chosen One.
Hermione Granger: This is Loony Love... Luna Lovegood.
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