Raymond: 97X, bam! The future of rock 'n' roll. 97X, bam! The future of rock 'n' roll. 97X, bam! The future of rock 'n' roll.
Charlie: Ray, enough already! Change the channel.
Raymond: 97X, bam! The future of rock 'n' roll. 97X, bam! The future of rock 'n' roll.
Charlie: You've got a date, Ray, you're gonna go dancing.
Raymond: Yeah.
Charlie: You know how to dance, Ray?
Raymond: No.
Charlie: I'll have to teach you sometime.
Raymond: Definitely have to dance on my date. Have to learn how to dance. Definitely. Now.
Charlie: Ray, you're not gonna have to dance, but I will teach you sometime.
Raymond: Definitely have to dance with Iris.
Charlie: Sorry I even brought this up. You're right, Ray, you got a date with the only famous dancing hooker in Las Vegas.
Raymond: C-H-A-R-L-I-E, my main man.
Charlie: Who took this picture?
Raymond: D-A-D.
Charlie: And you lived with us?
Raymond: Yeah, 10962 Beachcrest Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Charlie: When did you leave?
Raymond: January 12, 1965. Very snowy that day. 7.2 inches of snow that day.
Charlie: Just after Mom died.
Raymond: Yeah Mom died January 5, 1965.
Charlie: You remember that day. Was I there? Where was I?
Raymond: You were in the window. You waved to me, "Bye bye Rain Man", "Bye bye."
Charlie: Ray, all airlines have crashed at one time or another, that doesn't mean that they are not safe.
Raymond: Qantas. qantas never crashed.
Charlie: Qantas?
Raymond: Never crashed.
Charlie: Oh that's gonna do me a lot of good because qantas doesn't fly to Los Angeles out of Cincinnati, you have to get to Melbourne! Melbourne, Australia in order to get the plane that flies to Los Angeles.
Dr. Bruner: Well, Raymond? Aren't you more comfortable in your favorite K-Mart clothes?
Charlie: Tell him, Ray.
Raymond: K-Mart sucks.
Dr. Bruner: Oh, I see.
Charlie: Hey, Ray: you just made a joke.
Raymond: Yeah, a joke. Ha ha ha... ha.
David Sumner: Jesus. I got 'em all.
Amy Sumner: David, give Niles to them. That's what they want. They just want him. Give them Niles, David.
David Sumner: They'll beat him to death.
Amy Sumner: I don't care! Get him out.
David Sumner: You really don't care, do you?
Amy Sumner: No, I don't.
David Sumner: No. I care. This is where I live. This is me. I will not allow violence against this house.
Ron Carlisle: Take, Tootsie.
Dorothy Michaels: Ron? I have a name it's Dorothy. It's not Tootsie or Toots or Sweetie or Honey or Doll.
Ron Carlisle: Oh, Christ.
Dorothy Michaels: No, just Dorothy. Alan's always Alan, Tom's always Tom and John's always John. I have a name too. It's Dorothy, capital D-O-R-O-T-H-Y.
Ron Carlisle: You don't like me, do you? Now, I can respect that. There's not many women that I can't make like me. Why don't you like me?
Michael Dorsey: I don't like the way you treat Julie. I don't like the way you patronize her. I don't like the way you deceive her. I don't like the way you lie to her.
Ron Carlisle: What do you mean?
Michael Dorsey: You want me to go on?
Ron Carlisle: No, no. I know what you mean.
Michael Dorsey: Friends?
Sandy: No, we are not friends. I don't take this shit from friends. Only lovers.
Julie: I miss Dorothy.
Michael Dorsey: You don't have to. She's right here. And she misses you. Look, you don't know me from Adam. But I was a better man with you, as a woman... than I ever was with a woman, as a man. You know what I mean? I just gotta learn to do it without the dress. At this point, there might be an advantage to my wearing pants. The hard part's over, you know? We were already... good friends.
Sandy: Wish me luck.
Michael Dorsey: Fuck you.
Sandy: Thanks.
Michael Dorsey: Fuck you.
Michael Dorsey: You know, I could lay a big line on you and we could do a lot of role-playing, but the simple truth is, is that I find you very interesting and I'd really like to make love to you.
Michael Dorsey: She thinks I'm gay, I told her about Julie and she thinks I'm gay.
George Fields: Julie thinks your gay?
Michael Dorsey: No, my friend Sandy.
George Fields: Sleep with her, and she'll.
Michael Dorsey: I slept with her once she's still thinks I'm gay.
George Fields: Oh... that's no good, Michael.
Dorothy Michaels: Oh I know what y'all really want is some gross, caricature of a woman to prove some idiotic point that power makes a woman masculine, or masculine women are ugly. Well shame on you for letting a man do that, or any man that does that. That means you, dear. Miss Marshall. Shame on you, you macho shit head.
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