1st AD: Excuse me, Miss Cher, there's a few fans outside hoping for autographs.
Cher: Allright, but I am not taking any pictures.
Cute Autograph Girl: Oh shit, it's just Cher.
Kathleen Riley: I spend all of my day with murders and rapists, and what's really crazy, I like them.
Elsa Morganthal Strauss-Armistan: If I hadn't been there for you then, you wouldn't be here for me NOW.
Elsa Morganthal Strauss-Armistan: Why are you helping me? You always hated me.
Lady Hester: Because we're creatures from two different worlds, you and I. Because I have despised you. And you have laughed at me and the Scorpioni. And because in spite of all that, you've been very kind to us and kept it a secret. And because we've both been very foolish women. We've both trusted men who've turned out to be bastards.
Elsa Morganthal Strauss-Armistan: Vittorio.
Lady Hester: And Mussolini.
Alexandra Medford: Who are you?
Daryl Van Horne: Just your average, horny little devil.
Alexandra Medford: I don't think that men are the answer to everything.
Sukie Ridgemont: No.
Jane Spofford: Then why do we always end up talking about them?
Alexandra Medford: I hope his dick is bigger than his I.Q.
Daryl Van Horne: You haven't seen any snowy egrets around here, have you?
Alexandra Medford: No.
Daryl Van Horne: Me either. Not that I'd know a snowy egret if I were pissing on one. You want some lunch?
Alexandra Medford: I think it's a little late in the season.
Daryl Van Horne: For lunch?
Alexandra Medford: No, pissing on birds.
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