Quotes from Basil Rathbone movies and TV shows - page 2 of 2

Sherlock Holmes: Surgical instruments. You know, Watson, the instruments that save life are hardly more pleasant to look at than those that take it.

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Elsa von Frankenstein: What a dreadful storm and awful lightening.
Baron Wolf von Frankenstein: It's magnificent. Nothing in nature is terrifying when one understands it. Darling, my father drew that very lightening from heaven and forced it for his own will to bring life to a being he created with his own hands. Why should we fear anything?

Baron Wolf von Frankenstein: It appears that my father thought that he could extract from lightning some super-violet ray of life-giving properties.

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Sherlock Holmes: The young lady is taking her mother to Scotland for burial.
Inspector Lestrade: In a coffin?
Sherlock Holmes: That is the customary method, I believe.

Sherlock Holmes: Thank you, Lady Margaret. We'll be as unobtrusive as possible.
Lady Margaret Carstairs: That would be a novelty from a policeman.

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Sherlock Holmes: And now, Professor Moriarity, what can I do for you?
Professor Moriarty: Everything that I have to say to you has already crossed your mind.
Sherlock Holmes: And my answer has no doubt crossed yours.
Professor Moriarty: That's final?
Sherlock Holmes: What do you think?

Lydia Marlowe: I was right, Mr Holmes. You are a difficult subject.
Sherlock Holmes: Thank you.

Professor Moriarty: We've had many encounters in the past. You hope to place me on the gallows. I tell you, I shall never stand upon the gallows. But, if you are instrumental in any way in bringing about my destruction, you will not be alive to enjoy your satisfaction.
Sherlock Holmes: Then we shall walk together through the Gates of Eternity hand-in-hand.
Professor Moriarty: What a charming picture that would make.
Sherlock Holmes: Yes, wouldn't it. And I really think it might be worth it.

Sherlock Holmes: If we could just trace those missing fingers.
Inspector Gregson: If? If we could just drain the English Channel, we might find a penny.

Sherlock Holmes: I smell the faint, sweet odor of blackmail.

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