Jacob La Cour

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie the CIA helicopters are flying from DC to Baltimore. We see them over a wide stretch of water. Then there is a long sequence with McClane, and when we get back to the helicopters they are still over water. When you fly from DC to Baltimore you do not cross a long stretch of water.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: In the Washington D.C.- Baltimore area there is a "No Fly Zone" that has been in effect since the late 1950's. The most recent edition is the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) that extends from DC to literally the edge of Baltimore. Woodlawn is on the west side of Baltimore, but because of the radius of the no fly zone, the fastest way to get from DC would be to go east then follow the Chesapeake bay to Baltimore, over water almost the entire trip.


Corrected entry: The news broadcast showing panic on the stock markets is shown shortly after McClain arrive in DC. However the speaker says panic broke out "this afternoon". But it's morning.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Simple character error that "afternoon" was said instead of morning. It happens.


Corrected entry: When McClane is attacking the helicopter from inside the tunnel, the guys in the helicopter see him coming when he is still deep inside the tunnel. They would not be able to see that the car was moving - let alone that it is McClane attacking them.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: If you look carefully, the lights are on at the top of the car and flashing. They can see that the vehicle is moving towards them and they know he went into the tunnel in one, so it's easy to presume that they know it's him.


Corrected entry: When McClane drives the truck into the computer control room, he smashes into the Thai goon with high speed, and then slams her into a wall. Her legs would have been crushed by that impact, but she's not hurt at all, and we see her moving her legs around with ease when she's trying to climb up the truck.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: If you look closely, she does not actually hit the wall. The truck slams into an elevator shaft, and the rear of the truch gets stuck and stops it just short of the front end slamming into the opposite wall.


Corrected entry: McClane's daughter is caught in the lift of a high rise when the power turns off. When she is rescued she is - minutes later - at the main computer facility outside of Baltimore. How did she get there so fast? She lived in Jersey close to NYC.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The film doesn't at any point say that Lucy was in her home town, she could easily have happened to be near by, or near enough for her to be flown quickly by helicopter.


The goon who got her out of the elevator said he was with the FBI Jersey office.

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