
27th Aug 2001

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Wolverine gets thrown onto the hood of the truck by Sabretooth, one scene shows him lying on the hood, the next shot shows him half way in the windshield and then he is back on the hood again. (00:19:47)

Correction: No what you see is him on the hood, then a shot of his chest from inside the truck, with him still lying across the hood and then a final shot with him on the hood again. He is never half way through the windshield.


27th Aug 2001

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: In the beach scene when senator Kelly is watching the news at the hot dog stand, we can see a big chain behind it; the next shot shows Kelly taking some clothes than were hanging on the chain; those clothes were not there in the previous shot. (00:43:56)

Correction: This is easily explained, the chain we see in the first shot is behind the hot dog stand (with Stan Lee's cameo) the chain he grabs the clothes from is to the left of the stand (look to the far right you can see the edge of the stand).


27th Aug 2001

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: When Wolverine stops his truck to check out the funny noise, there are no tracks in the snow behind his car, but when he begins to leave after ditching Rogue, the tracks are back. (00:04:54)

Correction: It does look like this for a second behind his front driver's side wheel, but if you take a closer look you can see that it's only a optical illusion with the angle, the tire tracks are still there, other wise there are no other times you see the ground so you couldn't tell anyway.


2nd Dec 2003

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: When Senator Kelly is in the chopper, he is in full sunlight while he talks on his cell phone. But when the shot goes to Henry Guyrich (Mystique), Senator Kelly is now completely in the shade. (00:30:20)

Correction: The reason Senator Kelly is in complete shade is that the helicopter is quickly turning off its regular route and towards Magneto's base. In fact this is backed up by both Senator Kelly saying "Where are we" and the shot of Henry with the shadow moving across his face.


27th Aug 2003

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: In the scene after Sabertooth attacks Logan in the car, he (Sabertooth) confronts Magneto. It then shows Magneto sitting down and using his powers to take Logan's necklace from Sabertooth, but when he lifts his arm up, there is no number on it from the concentration camp. When in the very next shot, it shows the number back on his arm.

Correction: When they show the numbers on his arm it is an extreme close up and is still very light and small, due to fading. You wouldn't be able to see it from the distance of the first shot.


21st Mar 2002

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: In the scene right after Logan hits the hood of the truck, and Sabretooth is distracted by something, you can see Storm's hair is pulled back in a pony tail (you can also see it when she gives Rogue a hand out of the truck). But when they are still standing out in the open, the camera view switches behind them, and her hair is blown forward around her face. Then it is back in a pony tail. (00:20:13)

Correction: Look closely - all her hair is on either side of her head, but the hair on the right side is still together in a ponytail.


27th Aug 2001

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: Rogue's accent seems very strong for the first part of the movie, but seems to disappear completely after the scene in Logan's truck.

Correction: Not true, although her accent is weaker with high emotion, as in her talking to Bobby, and asking if Magneto's going to kill her. Seconds earlier when he is talking about the Statue of Liberty she says "I've seen it before." In her normal accent.


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