
8th Nov 2010

Doctor Who (1963)

Chosen answer: No reason for this has yet been disclosed.


23rd Mar 2010

Doctor Who (1963)

The Mind of Evil - S8-E2

Question: Why does this serial only survive in black and white. If it was made in colour, why did the BBC have black and white copies in the first place?


Chosen answer: The reason this serial only exsists in black and white when it was recorded in colour is because in the 60's and 70's the BBC wiped and reused video tapes, some of which were Doctor Who. Luckily copies were made and sent to other countries, most of which didnt have colour TV's. These copies were later found and returned to the BBC archive.

9th Jan 2010

Doctor Who (1963)

Chosen answer: Because Dalek toilet technology is the only area where they are inferior to the rest of the universe. Approximately 1960's. You'd have to ask the designer of The Daleks. It is shown in the new series to be a very nasty weapon indeed, some sort of point singularity projection device, like a mini-black hole launcher.

Grumpy Scot

There are lots of documentaries and DVD special features about The Daleks and how they made. It was due to budget costs that they use the plunger the idea was that it was able to suck or stick to anything push and pull.


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