Gary O'Reilly

Question: Is it possible that Palpatine was aware of Anakin's feelings for Padme and was trying to encourage something to happen between them by ordering her to leave Corusant with him? He later uses Anakin's love for Padme to turn him to the dark side.

Answer: Absolutely. He wasn't encouraging it (since it was already happening) he was manipulating events to his vision. The jedi have a power of far-seeing (essentially they see the (or a) future), and Palpatine seems to be very powerful in this field, but just because he can see it doesn't mean it happens, he has to shape the events he sees in his visions. After all, from seemingly nothing he worked his way up to the ultimate ruler of the universe. Getting two lovebirds together (for his own later use, of course) is nothing to him.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: Is there any reason why Samuel Jackson's character got a purple light saber? I know bad Jedi used to have red and good Jedi blue or green, but what about purple?

Answer: Sam L. Jackson asked Lucas if he could have a purple saber, and Lucas said yes (so the story goes at least). I suppose Jackson just wanted to be different. It could also possibly be explained in-universe that Mace Windu uses a fighting style that borders dangerously close to the dark side (it's in the databank if you wish to look it up), so his saber is a mix of Blue (light side) and Red (dark side) to signify this.

Gary O'Reilly

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