
4th Oct 2004

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: Near the end, Cyclops tells Storm to "fry" Magneto. Magneto then answers, "..lightning bolt in a small copper space..." meaning that everyone would be "fried". This is total baloney, as the bolt would hit Magneto directly, then discharge into the floor of the statue and dissipate in energy through the whole statue. Magneto would receive a direct hit and as the main conductor and would be instantly killed. The others would also be shocked, but to a substantially lesser degree and certainly not life-threatening. However, Magneto seems to either not know this, or more likely is lying with the (correct) assumption that the others don't know that either.

Correction: You are assuming that Storm would be able to pinpoint a bolt of lightning through the small hole in the statue and into Magneto. It is more likely that the bolt would come near the statue and be attracted to the metal as it neared the hole, causing it to veer off and spread through the walls (where the X-men were chained).


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