25th Aug 2011

Avatar (2009)

Corrected entry: The missiles Qaurritch and his men use in the final battle are completely useless. If they have to fire in line of sight, why are the missiles constantly curving and flying all over the place? Line of sight works, but only if the missiles fly in a straight line, otherwise, hitting your target is dumb luck.


Correction: The missiles are flying around the place because of the magnetic properties pf the mountains. Notice the missiles were moving around fine when they took down home tree. Line of sight is just the best chance they have of hitting anything.


1st Nov 2010

Avatar (2009)

Corrected entry: When Jake is transformed at the end, he has no mask, so he couldn't have been breathing for the transformation.

Correction: Neytiri removes his mask when the "transformation" is complete. Clearly seen.


16th Jan 2010

Avatar (2009)

Corrected entry: In the scene we see Pandora's sky, in the sky we see a gigantic planet and another planet (or kind of a moon) but much smaller (like our moon). In this shot we see a shadow on the big planet (on its right side) which looks like it caused due to the small moon shadowing it, but when looking on the small moon we see that its left half is black (no sun) and right half is white (sun on it). This means that the sun is on the right side of the picture outside the frame. If that is the case there is no way that this moon (or even Pandora itself) will create a shadow on the big planet.

Correction: Pandora is part of the Alpha-Centuri star system. A two-star solar system.


There is only one sun in this system consisting of several gas giants including polyphemus, the blue gas giant that Pandora orbits.

16th Jan 2010

Avatar (2009)

Corrected entry: When Quaritch runs out to chase the escapee ship (he holds his breath and runs outside), he fires several rounds. We see a shot of the ship toward the right of the screen moving left. Quaritch, in his last effort pulls out his handgun and fires 4 shots across the screen (left to right on the screen, right to left for him). The camera cuts back to the ship. The ship is going far too slow for any but the last shot to have hit, and his others were so dead-on that it can't be an accidental miss.


Correction: Quaritch is almost out of breath after holding onto a single breath of air. He's firing a hand gun. The ship is at least a hundred metres away. You're expecting him to be dead-on accurate with his shots?


7th Jan 2010

Avatar (2009)

Corrected entry: In one of the final scenes when the humans are marching single file onto the spaceship, both the "human Norm" and "avatar Norm" are visible in separate shots. Only one or the other should be present.

Correction: While there are distinctive features for the Na'vi, it is quite difficult to tell if that is in fact Norm's avatar or another "avatar" in similar clothing. Norms avatar is seen to be killed during battle. Na'vi beings cannot be resurrected. Therefore it is unlikely to be Norm's avatar, rather another one in similar clothing.


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