6th Jun 2009

The Hangover (2009)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the tiger wakes up while they're driving in Alan's father's car, they run into several other vehicles, which smashes the front bumper of the Mercedes. Soon after, the car's exterior is in perfect condition.


Correction: They only side-swipe a bus, hitting it with the front-left of the car. No other cars are hit and the font bumper in fully intact when they come to a stop. When the guys are pushing the car, black streak marks can clearly be seen on the side of the car, from the side of the bumper (front-left) to the driver door.


14th Jun 2009

The Hangover (2009)

Corrected entry: When the guy missing a tooth is looking at himself , a cameraman is visible in the chrome bumper.

Correction: When watching this scene, there were many objects reflected in the 'bumper' and the main flat part of the tray. There was nothing reflected that resembled a person with or without a camera.


22nd Jun 2009

The Hangover (2009)

Corrected entry: After the meat is given to the tiger, the guy runs back though the door. When filmed in the bathroom, he does not quite make it through the door and the tiger is real close to him and the door. It's almost as if he shuts the door before he gets out. But in the shot outside the bathroom, he has a wide open door and leaps out with ease.

Correction: He is seen opening the door (viewed from inside the bathroom), quickly steps out and shutting it behind him (viewed from outside the bathroom). Note the darts on the outside of the door. He does not close it first.


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