Super Grover

23rd Jun 2024

UFO (1970)

Timelash - S1-E18

Revealing mistake: While Straker and Col. Lake enter the studio lot, they make a few stops, then exit the car; the silver metal rods holding the doors up are visible in a few shots. (00:16:50 - 00:18:50)

Super Grover

23rd Jun 2024

UFO (1970)

23rd Jun 2024

UFO (1970)

The Cat with Ten Lives - S1-E3

Deliberate mistake: When MoonBase Interceptor pilots put their helmets on before launch, the mics are on the left side of their helmets, but when they're space borne to intercept UFOs at least one pilot closeup is a flipped shot. Then, after Lake says, "They're wide open now, where are they," the interior closeup of a cockpit is also flipped; note "GYRO" is reversed. (00:02:25 - 00:04:55)

Super Grover

23rd Jun 2024

UFO (1970)

The Cat with Ten Lives - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Right after the "Immediate launch" on MoonBase, when it cuts to Miss Holland, she's walking from her office into Straker's office. The cat runs away from Holland, and in the cat's close-up, it exits Straker's office. However, this doorway is not leading to Miss Holland's office in this close-up. (00:41:20)

Super Grover

23rd Jun 2024

UFO (1970)

The Square Triangle - S1-E10

Other mistake: With the red alert at MoonBase, all three Interceptors are launched with their loaded missiles. Then, as the UFO gets closer, the Interceptors are within range, yet Straker orders them not to intercept. However, when the three Interceptor pilots are told to return to MoonBase, all three Interceptors are inexplicably missing their missiles. (00:03:25 - 00:05:35)

Super Grover

23rd Jun 2024

UFO (1970)

Identified - S1-E1

Deliberate mistake: While Sky One is flying above SHADAIR, Peter spots the UFO at 12 o'clock. He then tells SHADAIR they're the target. Peter's next two close-ups are flipped shots. Note his facial scars and helmet microphone. (00:32:35)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

Conflict - S1-E4

Other mistake: Lunar Module 32 has number 4614 and more on its side; then it explodes upon re-entry to Earth. But later, when Paul takes up Lunar Module 29, it has the same numbers and markings as LM 32. (00:15:00 - 00:27:10)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

Timelash - S1-E18

Revealing mistake: When Straker and Col. Lake stop to check out the frozen people (fixed like statues), Lake spots a bird frozen in midair, and in the bird's close-ups the multiple wires (more than six) holding the fake bird are visible. (00:18:40)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

Timelash - S1-E18

Other mistake: When Striker and Turner are fighting on the landing with the bookshelves, Turner's stunt-double is wearing his belt with the belt tip facing his left side, whereas the actor is wearing it the opposite way, with the tip facing his right. (00:37:50)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

Timelash - S1-E18

Deliberate mistake: After Straker shoots Turner, he slumps over in his HS mini car and it goes around in circles. Then, the last shot of Turner is a flipped shot; note Turner's uniform patch and the car's backwards HS. (00:46:05)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

The Cat with Ten Lives - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: Jim awakens alone in his car with the Siamese cat, and when he rushes out shouting for Jean, there are two black rods under the car's doors. But as soon as Jim gets back into his car, the rods vanish between shots. (00:21:55)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

The Cat with Ten Lives - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: At Murial and Albert's, when the ouija alphabet cards are placed on the table, the "YES" card alternates being between the "G" and "H" cards or the "H" and "I" cards, depending on the camera angle. Other cards change direction/position as well. (00:13:40)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

Court Martial - S1-E20

Continuity mistake: When Straker and Freeman arrive at Miss Ealand's office, there's a white jacket hanging on the red upright coat rack, but next shot as the doors to Straker's office open, the jacket has vanished. (00:40:55)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

Court Martial - S1-E20

Other mistake: The doorway between Straker's office and Miss Ealand's office does not have the "gap" on the floor that separates the rooms, which allows Straker's office to descend. (00:40:50)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

Court Martial - S1-E20

Other mistake: When Paul stands up for the verdict, he's told the date and time for execution, and in his extreme close-ups we can see the hairpiece mesh tape at his sideburn hairline. (00:02:25 - 00:28:10)

Super Grover

30th May 2024

UFO (1970)

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