Joshua Skains

7th Jul 2008

Wall-E (2008)

Corrected entry: The plant found by Wall-E in the safe is green. Plants, however, won't generate any green chlorophyll if there hasn't been any light since it started to grow.

Correction: There was light. It wasn't pitch black.

Joshua Skains

It was sealed inside a minifridge, therefore, no light can get in.

9th Jul 2008

Wall-E (2008)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Wall.E compacts the whisk from earlier in the movie into a cube. But, EVE broke the whisk and, yet, the whisk is completely intact later on.


Correction: There is no way to know this was the SAME whisk as he had a LOT of repeats. He had an entire box of forks and another of spoons. We know this because of the funny scene with a spork.

Joshua Skains

29th Jun 2008

Wall-E (2008)

Corrected entry: When Eva and Walle are in the rain and Walle covers her with an umbrella, Walle is to Eva's left. When Eva goes over her security camera and watches Walle cover her with the umbrella, Walle is facing her.

richard dryja

Correction: The skin of Eve is complicated, as we can see the "search" lights work through the skin with no visible lenses. It is safe to assume the camera systems are fairly complex and 360 degrees of recording.

Joshua Skains

7th Jul 2008

Wall-E (2008)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Wall-E and Eva are flying through space together outside the ship and the fat characters see them, John first has a blue suit, and right after he is wearing a red one. (01:05:45)

Correction: It is fairly well established the red/blue mechanisms in the suits were instant and seemed to change in many different conditions, so for all we know it kept changing.

Joshua Skains

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