
13th Jul 2017

Breaking Bad (2008)

28th Dec 2016

Cocoon (1985)

Trivia: Some of the cloud effects were created by dumping colored dyes in tanks of water which were then superimposed into the shot.


12th Feb 2016

Quantum Leap (1989)

10th Jun 2015

Quantum Leap (1989)

3rd Mar 2015

Field of Dreams (1989)

Trivia: The film uses Galena, Illinois as a stand in for Chisholm, Minnesota. Galena is just about 45 miles from the main house and field in Iowa.


3rd Mar 2015

The Incredibles (2004)

Trivia: The plane crash scene with the characters looking at the plane sinking underwater is nearly identical to the same scene in Cast Away.


23rd Oct 2012

Die Hard 2 (1990)

Trivia: When the older lady is showing off her taser in the beginning of the film she is holding a magazine. On the back of the magazine is an advertisement for Lethal Weapon. Joel Silver, who produced Lethal Weapon, also produced this film. (00:05:36)


5th Dec 2010

Bad Santa (2003)

13th Nov 2010

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Toy Story 3 trivia picture

Trivia: One of the costumes Ken tries on for Barbie is the same costume Clark Griswold wore in European Vacation. Ken even dances the same as Clark did in that film. (01:01:50)


12th Apr 2007

Candyman (1992)

Trivia: The music in this film is composed by Phillip Glass. During some of the eerie parts, the music sounds strangely familiar to another Phillip Glass composition, "The Truman Show."


13th Jan 2007

The Abyss (1989)

Trivia: The water tube that floats about was partially created with Adobe Photoshop, which was unheard of at that time. Adobe Photoshop had not been released to the public at that point.


20th Sep 2006

Citizen Kane (1941)

Trivia: To get most of his extremely low angle shots, Welles often had to dig a hole in the set to place the camera and its operator in, given the size of motion picture cameras at that time. The best example of this extreme low angle camera takes place after the political rally is finished.


Trivia: Notice how on the final subway they pass Booth street (a reference to John Wilkes Booth who killed Lincoln) and are supposed to get off at Oswald St (referencing Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated Kennedy.) Another reference to Lincoln is made earlier in the film with the pictures.


2nd Nov 2005

Blackmail (1929)

Trivia: Hitchcock's cameo is towards the beginning on the train. The little boy is playing with his hat.


15th Nov 2004

The Polar Express (2004)

13th May 2004

Animal House (1978)

Trivia: During the scene where John Belushi is sneaking around, you see him slip and then get back up. The slip was accidental but the film makers left it in the movie.


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