
6th Aug 2008

Jumper (2008)

Corrected entry: In the opening, when David is telling about his day, he says he went to an NBA finals game and everything he did was before lunch. They do not play NBA finals games in the AM.

Correction: Given that David travels repeatedly from time-zone to time-zone, he could easily have watched an afternoon game during his personal morning, then jumped elsewhere for lunch.


23rd Jul 2008

Jumper (2008)

Corrected entry: After David jumps to where Griffin is, he states that he has just jumped through Griffin's 'jump scar'. Previous to that scene, David was unaware any other jumpers existed. How does he know what a jump scar is?

Correction: Because he creates one every time he jumps. He knows what they are, he just didn't realise that he could use them to follow a fellow jumper because, as you say, up to that point, he didn't know there were any others out there.


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