
Corrected entry: When Pintel and Ragetti find the dead kraken on the beach, Ragetti calls it a "cephalopod", even though the word "cephalopod" was not in use during that time period.

Correction: How do you know? If you know when the word was coined, mention it in your submission. Without some backup this appears to be purely opinion-based. Regardless, it's standard practice in historically set films to use present-day terminology for the convenience of the modern audience; as a rule, the use of such conventions is not considered a mistake anyway.


Corrected entry: When Beckett tells Norrington that "The pirates know they face extinction," you can hear the sound of a sword being pulled out of its scabbard, but Norrington only removed it from the box so the sound should not have been there.

Correction: Norrington opens the box, the scene cuts away and we hear the noise of it being removed from the scabbard. When we cut back, Norrington has the sword, unsheathed, in his right hand, with his left, we can see him replacing the scabbard within the box. While the lighting and surroundings make the blade look dark in colour, similar to the scabbard, he's definitely unsheathed it.


Corrected entry: In the hanging scene at the beginning, as an East India Company officer approaches a seated EIC officer and says "the pirates are singing", there is a distance shot of the pirates on the scaffold behind him. There should be a boy standing on a keg among the pirates on the scaffold. He is not there.

Correction: The boy is present in all shots, albeit rather blurry and indistinct due to being in the background. It's definitely him, though.


Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie Jack finds Gibbs on the dock sleeping as Jack's ship has once again gone missing. clutched in Mr. Gibbs' arms is a teddy bear. Teddy bears were not invented until 1902 by Morris Mitchtom.

Correction: Stuffed animals are known to have existed in Ancient Egypt. While the 'modern' commercially produced teddy bear did not appear until designed by Richard Stieff in 1902, stuffed representations of animals go back into history. There is no reason to think that one of the animals represented could not have been a bear and that Gibbs could not possess such a representation.


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